HomeStudent Services » Student Facilities » Textiles and Clothing Museum » Visiting/Engaging with the Museum » Request Objects for use in an ISU Class » Student Request to Borrow Object for use in Course Assignment Student Request to Borrow Object for use in Course Assignment Explore This Section Request Objects for use in an ISU Class Student Request to Borrow Object for use in Course Assignment Student Request to Borrow Object for use in Course Assignment Name * Required First Last Email * RequiredPronounsYear in SchoolMajor/MinorCourse name and number that the objects will be utilized within * RequiredCourse instructor name * RequiredCourse instructor name * RequiredIs the instructor aware of this object request? * RequiredName of the assignment you want to use the object within * RequiredWhat object or type of object would you like to borrow or use? If known, please provide object ID, description of object, and link in the catalog (e.g., 2008.24.53 yellow coatdress found here * RequiredHow are you planning to use the object? * RequiredDate you would like to borrow the object * RequiredDate you would like to return the object * RequiredAnything else we would need to know?