Object Donation Form

If you would like us to consider an object donation, please fill out the following form. If you do not know an answer, please put “I do not know the answer to this question” in the textbox.

  • If you have multiple objects, please fill out a form for each object (e.g., pair of jeans and a pair of sneakers that do not go together)
  • If you have a set of objects that go together, please submit those objects in a single form. (e.g., matching dress, jacket, and belt)

Please note that if objects are mailed to us or dropped off without going through the object donation form, we will dispose of the object following ethical museum practices if it is not accessioned into the collection.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form! If during the academic semester you do not receive a response acknowledging receipt of this form within 5 business days, please contact Dr. Kelly Reddy-Best at klrb@iastate.edu.