Dr. SoJung Lee has extensively worked with the club industry as a club-focused researcher since 2013. She has worked with other club-based associations, including NCA (National Club Association), CMAA (Club Management Association in America), McMahon, Golf Life Navigation, Club Benchmarking, and Club Insights on various research projects (e.g., members’ behaviors, club stakeholders’ value co-creation, clubs’ environmental responsible behaviors). Through her extensive experiences with the club industry and research, she has witnessed a critical need for and the importance of club research in the hospitality and tourism fields. By having supervised graduate students who focused on club management, she has found club research has unique, niche, and tremendous opportunities, especially for graduate studies while little attention has paid to the club research among hospitality and tourism schools. She has made efforts to enrich the depth of club stakeholders’ knowledge, advancing club research in various areas: marketing, membership, strategic management, finance, leadership, and human resources. She has published both academic and industry articles on members’ behaviors and clubs’ environmental responsible practices. She has received 3 research grants from Club foundations and National Club Association Foundation and given a professional presentation at CMAA, titled “Membership retention vs. attrition: The fundamental differences between satisfaction and loyalty.”