Concurrent BS/MS

Concurrent Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree
The concurrent degree program allows AMD students to expedite the completion of a master’s degree along with their bachelor’s degree. The concurrent degree allows many students to complete a bachelor’s and master’s within 5 or 5.5 years, taking graduate and undergraduate courses simultaneously in the 4th year and beyond. Twelve credits of graduate coursework can be used to meet both undergraduate and graduate requirements (six when classified as an undergraduate student and six when classified as a graduate student). Concurrent degree students are eligible to apply for teaching and research assistantships, which provide a stipend, medical/dental insurance, and a partial tuition scholarship.
Students interested in the concurrent degree should contact their undergraduate advisor or the program’s Director of Graduate Education in their sophomore year to begin to plan their course work. In their junior year, interested students complete the concurrent degree application form found on the Graduate College website and a form provided by the Director of Graduate Education.