
A minor in apparel, merchandising, and design requires (15-17 cr.) of the following:

CourseCourse NameCredits
Select from:3
A M D 121Apparel Assembly Processes
A M D 131Fashion Products and Markets
A M D 165Dress, Appearance, and Diversity in Society
A M D 178Introduction to Apparel Design Studio
Select from:3-4
A M D 204Textile Science
Select from:3-4
A M D 231Product Development and Manufacturing
A M D 245Aesthetics and Brand Image
A M D 257Museum Studies
A M D 275Retail Merchandising
300-400 level at Iowa State University in A M D or approved AESHM6
AESHM 340Hospitality and Apparel Marketing Strategies
AESHM 342Aesthetics of Consumer Experience
AESHM 470NSupervised Professional Internship: Apparel
AESHM 472Fashion Show Management
AESHM 474Entrepreneurship in Human Sciences
AESHM 476CXEntrepreneurship Studio: Creating an Online Business
AESHM 499XResearch, Seminar, or Senior Project
A M D 305Quality Assurance of Textiles and Apparel
A M D 328Apparel, Merchandising, and Design Seminar
A M D 354History of European and North American Dress
A M D 356History of Twentieth Century Fashion
A M D 362Cultural Perspectives of Dress
A M D 372Sourcing and Global Issues
A M D 375Omni-Channel Retailing
A M D 376Merchandise Planning and Buying
A M D 377Visual Presentation and Promotions
A M D 393Apparel, Merchandising, and Design Workshop
A M D 404Innovative Textiles
A M D 431Apparel Production Management
A M D 458XQueer Fashions, Styles, and Bodies
A M D 467Consumer Studies in Apparel and Fashion Products
A M D 475Retail Information Analysis
A M D 490Independent Study
A M D 499Undergraduate Research
Total Credits15-17