Zeke Whetstone

Major: Event Management
Company/Organization: Red Light Management
Company/Organization website: https://www.redlightmanagement.com/
Timeframe: Spring 2021
Advisor/Coordinator Email: briaj@iastate.edu


While working as an intern with Red Light, I assisted a day-to-day artist manager in tasks for 3 clients. Some responsibilities for those tasks included assisting in social media management and marketing for clients with followers reaching 479k+, 92k+, 60k+, 12k+ on multiple platforms, assisting in strategy creation for new content and announcements, creation of social assets for clients with programs such as Photoshop or Premiere Pro, conducted research related to clients message or music, analyze analytical data for both digital and live platforms, and assisted manager on calls with clients, promoters, etc.


My greatest accomplishment while working with Red Light Management was the connections I was able to make. I was involved in weekly seminars with other interns across the world, where we would all be actively engaged in discussion with Red Light team members in any of the offices nationwide. This allowed me to develop relationships and a network during a time period where work was forced online and remote learning was the only option.

Learning experience

One of the greatest lessons I learned from my internship experience was how important a work-to-life balance is. This balance is something that everyone at Red Light encourages, and often team members would share tips on what they've learned in managing these two areas of their lives.

What advice would you give?

It's okay to not know where you'd like your career to go at first, but creating a network and building relationships in the event industry will allow you to have more time and cushion space to develop an idea of what your true passion is. Use LinkedIn to its best ability, research areas you interested in, and find emails to reach out and introduce yourself to. These connections may seem small at the moment but in the long run, they may pay off.

Career Connections