Nana Kyei-Baffour

Major: Apparel, Merchandising, and Design
Company/Organization: Chelsea Volpe
Company/Organization website: http://www.Honey Artists
Destination: New York
Timeframe: Summer
Advisor/Coordinator Email:


During my internship, I helped my boss in any way possible looking to help make her work load lighter. For example, I would steam and organize clothing racks on set, pick up clothing from PR showrooms and take pictures of styles in different stores for future pulls and so forth.


I would say would have to be seeing how hard I worked. As fun as styling is, there's so much behind the scenes work that goes on before you even get to the actual shoot itself. So, for me seeing how I hustled through New York with suitcases, hopping from one train to another, showroom to showroom, it taught me a lot about myself, work ethic and determination.

Learning experience

For me, it would have to be the actual experience and all it entailed. I was able to be hands-on and see from a close view how operating as a stylist works, what are the sacrifices one has to make in this field yet how it pays off when you see your work being acknowledged, whether by you or others.

What advice would you give?

Be open to the opportunity and all it entails because being accepting allows the experience to teach you all you deserve.

Career Connections