Madison Goetzinger
My responsibilities were to help out with events going on throughout the day, help with the planning of future events, especially during the NE SciFest, organize volunteers for the NE SciFest, and complete the planning for a couple of events on my own. Once the corona virus resulted in event cancellations, I helped to transfer many of the events that we had planned to an online format.
My greatest accomplishment from this experience was getting to work on events independently. In the past when I worked someone else did most of the planning and I have just helped out with operational tasks. My time was cut short because of the pandemic, however I did get to make some headway into planning some events including organizing a venue and communicating with a presenter to make a plan design.
What advice would you give?
Push yourself to take on more work. It will impress your supervisor and yourself when you realize that you are capable of applying everything that you have learned throughout college and be an effective professional in the industry. I obviously recommend that you don't push yourself to a point of being overwhelmed, but offer to take on more and more responsibility throughout your internship as you feel comfortable.