Kendra Bastian
My internship with Truffles and Tortes focused on the overall food and beverage operations of the café and bakery. As an intern, my job responsibilities included supervising the dining room, assisting the Kitchen and Bakery Managers with their tasks, front of house customer service, baking and cooking as needed, filling in for the barista, organizational procedure writing and integration, marketing basics, and small business office work. The internship included regular meetings with the owner to shadow restaurant ownership responsibilities.
My greatest accomplishment during the internship was the procedure writing and integration. I was given the task to take over the front of house management and rewrite all policies and procedures for further use in the restaurant. I believe the documents and policies I designed and integrated are easy to understand, remember, and utilize within the restaurant, they make the restaurant run smoother, and employee morale has increased because they promote teamwork.
What advice would you give?
Your internship is designed to be an important learning opportunity in your college career that sets you up for your first job out of college. With that in mind, make sure you accept an internship that leads into what you want to do or what you think you want to do because it is better to learn from industry leaders than to try to figure things out on your own. Asking questions is key! What you do and learn in the internship sets you up for success in the future.