Master of Science

Applicants with preparation in foodservice or lodging management, business, dietetics, or closely-related fields are encouraged to apply. Prior to admission, all students must have completed at least one-half of the prerequisite courses. Prerequisite courses are:

  • Business law (3 semester credits)
  • Computer science (3 semester credits)
  • Economics (3 semester credits)
  • Financial accounting (3 semester credits)
  • Food preparation (3 semester credits)
  • Human resource management (3 semester credits)
  • Management (3 semester credits)
  • Managerial accounting (3 semester credits)
  • Marketing (3 semester credits)
  • Nutrition (3 semester credits)
  • Quantity food production (5 credits)

Download flyer for more information.

Undergraduate courses are available at Iowa State University (ISU) for individuals who have not completed all the prerequisites. A limited number of undergraduate courses can be taken concurrently with graduate courses. Prerequisite coursework is considered supporting work and is not included in the credit hours required by the graduate program. Preference will be given to students who have at least two years of professional experience at a supervisory level. This experience should be in hospitality or a closely-related field. Online electronic applications for both domestic and international graduates as well as an online inquiry system can be found at the ISU Graduate College website. A minimum of 30 credits is required for the master of science (M.S.) degree. The distribution of credit hours within the program is:

  • Eighteen to 20 credits in hospitality management (HSPM) and apparel, events, and hospitality management (AESHM) and 10 to 12 credits in courses offered by other departments
  • A maximum of 9 credit hours may be taken as dual listed (DL) courses or designated courses taken for credit as HSPM 590
  • As a part of the program, each student completes either thesis research (7 credits, HSPM 699) or a creative component (3 credits, HSPM 599).

Any prerequisite coursework and English courses (for international students) are considered supporting work and they are not included in the 30 credit hours. All graduate students are required to complete:

  • HSPM 505 and 506
  • STAT 401

In addition, students are required to take one 3-credit HSPM course in three of four core areas:

  • Human resources
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Strategic management

Choice of courses depends on the student’s background, goals, and research topic. The program is planned by the student and the Program of Study (POS) Committee. The Iowa State University course catalog lists course descriptions of graduate courses offered.

Master of Science Non-Thesis

A non-thesis master of science is available with a specialization in hospitality management. The specialization facilitates professional development of graduate students interested in careers in business and industry.

Visit the Iowa State University Graduate College site for application requirements.

GRE or GMAT is not required.

The non-thesis master of science degree requires 36 credits. A minimum of 15 credits must be taken in hospitality management, including the required courses, plus 2 to 4 credits or professional management experience in the hospitality industry. Nine credits are required in selected business courses, plus research methods, statistics, and elective courses to bring the total to 36 credits.

Each student must complete a comprehensive paper and an oral examination.

Any missing prerequisite coursework and English courses (for international students) are considered supporting work and are not included in the 36 credit hours.

Scholarships and graduate teaching/research assistantships are available for on-campus students.